We are where we are because somewhere along the way we decided that our arguments against one another are greater than our prayers for one another. God is watching. Selah.
Spiritual Principles Lost on "Christians": Example #1017. God cares about how many souls you win not how many arguments you win. (2 Tim 2.14). You will be rewarded for every soul God is able to win through you AND you will be held accountable for every soul that turns away from Him because of you. Selah.
Want world peace? Start by making your personal peace a priority.
One cannot become "like Christ" unless they are: 1 - Born of Holy Spirit (Luke 1.35 and John 3.3). 2 - Filled with Holy Spirit (Acts 2.4). 3 - Led of Holy Spirit (Romans 8.14) just as Jesus Christ Himself was/is.
Being at the "bottom of the food chain" should never mean that there are fellow humans who are without food, clothing or shelter.