What Are You Fighting For? (Part 2)

Hi, it's Michele.  

Thank you for joining me for this segment of Holy Spirit You.  

Coming to you with another micro message about victory...the victory that we have in Christ.  

We are not trying to get a victory in Christ, we already have one.  
So, one of the reasons we're not seeing victory is because we refuse to obey the Lord.  

I would dare say that we rebel against the Lord, but we are to be his vessels for the manifestation of the kingdom of God in the earth.  

That includes loving our neighbors.  Loving God first so that we can love our neighbors.  

Until that happens, we will not see the victory, the completed work of Christ in the earth through us.  

Thank you for joining me for this segment of Holy Spirit You.  

I will see you next time.  Bye-bye.